Rolling Tones Handbells

The Rolling Tones handbell choir has been bringing our music to the church and community for 15 years.  Handbells can add a unique sound and a sense of awe to a worship service.  For the musician, participation creates a sense of community and sharing.  Some say it releases dopamine and improves mood.  We say it is just great fun with friends. 

The Rolling Tones handbell choir has made joyous music with two and a half octaves of Malmark handbells.  We believe our music contributes to the beauty and celebration of worship.  We enjoy playing in both church and community venues.  Musical selections often include ethnic tunes, percussion, flute, and other instruments.

This group typically meets weekly from September through May.   Rehearsals are Monday nights.  We have fun together! New ringers are welcome. For more information contact the director,
Leslie Lessenger at

November 20, 2022 – Joyful Joyful! (click on the video to make it your whole screen)
